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What is the difference between an atomizer in an electronic atomizer and a smoke bomb

Time:2020-03-04 Views:231
Electronic atomizers are a type of simulated tobacco. From Europe and America to China, electronic atomizers have always been popular among young people. With the expansion of the market, more and more people want to learn about such a new product. We often see atomizers and cigarette bombs appearing together. So, are these two exactly the same thing and what is the difference?

1、 What is a nebulizer

The atomizer is actually a relatively independent part of the simulated tobacco, which is used to hold and heat the tobacco oil. There must be a detachable component at the top or bottom to inject the tobacco oil. The power that different heating wires can withstand varies, so atomizers have a wide range of choices for heating wires. This power is actually the key to determining the size of the smoke, and the size of the atomizer itself is not limited. There are also multiple options for appearance design.

2、 What is a smoke bomb

Nowadays, most electronic atomizers do not require cigarette bombs to be welded to the battery rod, so the cigarette bomb device actually has two forms: one is sealed and the other is semi sealed. The soft plug at the top can be removed to facilitate the injection of cigarette oil.

3、 Summary

In fact, atomizers and smoke bombs are only components of electronic atomizers, and the difference between the two is not significant. They are only an inclusive relationship, and together they can form a complete electronic atomizer. The quality of the two themselves also plays a decisive role in the quality of the electronic atomizer itself.